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很久很久之前,有跟朋友們分享過一篇"包餃子'的文章,  不過那時候的餃子皮是在市場買現成的。

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昨天是St. Patrick's Day! 三月十七日。愛爾蘭人在全世界不管走到哪,聽說都有絕佳的運氣,我和老公就挑這一天,決定北上遞交出我們所有的家當…提出英國定居簽證申請。

坐上早上八點的高鐵。兩個小時的車程,我只是一直睡睡睡。Z Z Z ....連車子到了台北終點站,我還一心希望車子別停,讓我可以繼續睡下去呢!

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開心俏皮地稍微用了點happy power打卡。嗯,不錯,沒有遲到,離上班時間還有兩分鐘。

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Jing at the 55555 audience MayDay concert!

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任何的環境,一有了小嬰兒的存在,都會變得希望相隨。【雙喜臨門-Double Luck Knocked on My Door】

如那烈陽下的樹蔭-清涼; 黑暗裡的一道鴻光-光明乍現。

這次的瑞午節回娘家,欣妹帶語勻回家,可愛的語勻是家中第三代的 first baby,集取眾人的疼愛於一身,不管是有客人來訪,還是電視新聞播放著,每個人的視線,都無法自她身上離開。

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自從Andrew在2/7被咬之後,我們都很擔心,他是否有被直接傳染"Rabies" (狂犬病)之可能。


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So we’ve spent the past months running around gathering from paperwork for our wedding date; from having documents sent from the UK to TW (applications forms, booking forms and Andrew's birth certificate) to making dozens of phone calls and countless e-mail. Not only that, but I had to negotiate with my bosses to get a month off as well as make two trips to the visa office; first in Kaohsiung, then an interview at the headquarter in Taipei on June 13. The interview was mainly about going there to show these people that we have enough evidence to prove that we have not just met right before our big day and to prove that, even after we are married, we will still be together. So, we this time offered them our house lease and both of our working contract. We also prepared quite a few of our Google chat dating back in August, 2006. They photocopied the first two items and left out the chatting ones. Guess they are not too interested in being nosy of other people's "casual talks".......Anyway, hew....finally…I got my passport last night—AND IT HAS A LOVELY NEW MARRIAGE VISA IN IT!!

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I've heard some people say that because a person is born in any a particular season then that person is mentally and even physically attached to that season. For me, it's quite factual. Every year in fall, I always get emotional and sentimental. It does not matter where I am, who I am with, what I do or what age I am, I simply get a sentimental feeling. There's always such a place deep within me that isolates myself from the crowded world, and in that place I can just talk to myself. No bullshit from interactions with others, no stress from reality. It's a place I call the 'REAL ME'. I can be a quiet girl, a noisy girl, and above all, just to be innocent like the way I have always been. It's really pure, clean, and peaceful place; a place that cannot physically exist.


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